The ABSITE Smackdown! is the only ABSITE review book that comes with an ABSITE review video lecture series included with every copy sold!
This book is like no other available ABSITE review book.  And that's because this isn't just a review book at's a toolbox to help you score your very best on the ABSITE and includes MUCH more than just a book.
Every purchase of ABSITE Smackdown! comes with an included video lecture series to let you review anytime, anywhere.
ABSITE Smackdown! is created from five years of notes, three surgeons' experiences, and more than 500 hours of work.
ABSITE Smackdown! includes even more than essential ABSITE shares research on the test that isn’t covered in any other work!

About the #ProjectSmackdown Team

#ProjectSmackdown is a four person team of two clinicians, one social media specialist, and one surgical resident with one goal:  to make mastery of the General Surgery knowledge base as easy as possible.  How do they do it? 

Everyday, the team creates useful audio and visual content to make learning part of your routine on social media across all your devices.

Each day, the team shares one important Absite fact on Insta, @Daily.Absite.Fact.

On Twitter, connect with us @AbsiteSmackdown.

On Facebook, the group shares info @AbsiteSmackdown.

The Absite Smackdown Podcast, on Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spotify, and iTunes goes deeper into useful Absite info and often shares new entries from the blog.

Here at, the team shares audio and written information along with other useful content to get you ready for your yearly exam and General Surgery practice.

The review book, Absite Smackdown!, is your best-selling Absite review book...and is the only one that includes an entire Absite lecture series with every copy sold!  It's much better than traveling for a review course AND makes a review course accessible to resident colleagues anytime and anywhere!

Explore the site and we hope you find it useful!


--The #ProjectSmackdown Team



About the Absite Smackdown! Author

Dr. David Kashmer is a quality improvement expert, & trauma and acute-care surgeon. He earned his Medical Doctor degree from MCP Hahnemann University--now Drexel University College of Medicine--and his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Villanova University through a joint BS-MD program with MCP Hahnemann. He has previously served as a Section chief, Chief of Surgery, Chief Medical Officer, Chair of Sugery, and Associate Dean for different healthcare organizations.

David also earned a Lean Six Sigma master black belt certificate at Villanova. Dr. Kashmer holds a Master of Business Administration degree in Healthcare Administration from George Washington University. He previously served on the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

David currently enjoys educating medical students and resident surgeons.