By: Brigitte T
Finding time for studying for the ABSITE is tough enough...much less having to take the time to travel for a 2 day review course! Plus the cost of the review course and all the specific problems with traveling just add to the stress.
Traveling troubles that can happen along the way are something all their own. No matter how well we may plan and prep, sometimes things don't go according to what we imagined. When things are thrown off, it sets off panic, anger, and frustration in many people.
Let's discuss some of the traveling troubles you can run into!
Overbooked Flight
Overbooking a flight is legal and fairly common among airlines. Flight attendants will start asking people to voluntarily give up their seats in exchange for a travel voucher. If no one volunteers, then there's a possibility that you can be denied boarding. Who wants to be bumped from a flight? I know I don’t.
Delayed Flight
Here's one that is very frustrating...a delayed flight! And as frustrating as it may be, being delayed because of weather or engine problems isn't something that can be helped. We have to sit and wait. Guess it will give you some extra time to review for the ABSITE...but it's the kind of time you didn't want.
Bad Hotel Room
You finally make it to your destination, hopefully without the first two incidents occurring, and you find your hotel room is disappointing. The place looked beautiful online, decent reviews, and good price. You arrive to find it to be lacking. But no time to find a new hotel because you're scheduled to be at the ABSITE review course at a certain time. Usually really early!
You Wind Up Sick
Last one I will get there and you become ill. Here you're at the ABSITE review course that you have paid at least $600 for, air fare, and hotel you are sick!
With traveling plenty of things can arise to cause it to be a disaster. Bottom line: ABSITE Smackdown! solves those problems. With the ABSITE Smackdown! review book and lecture course you don’t have to worry about any of those. Just use the review book and lecture course anytime and any place that is convenient for you. It helps educate for the exam in the easiest, most convenient way possible. The course, included with every copy of the ABSITE Smackdown! review book that's sold, is more than just convenient.
It's comprehensive, one-stop shopping...with no travel troubles at all!