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Wow! The #ProjectSmackdown Team would like to thank the speakers and participants for ...
Travel for an ABSITE review course? No WAY!
The cost of the hotel, the course signup fee, and not to mention the plane ticket. And who has time for a course away from home?
There were no goo...
Absite Smackdown! · Episode 59: Absite Review BCVI (And Resident Experience In Training During COVID)
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Absite Smackdown! · Episode 28: Feet At The Beach Absite Prep
By: Jessica R
There are days that I am so tired I feel like doing one more thing might actually kill me.
I realize that sounds...
Absite Smackdown! · Vacation Your Way To A Better Score!
By: Jessica R
Most of us think of vacations as a luxury, But are they?
When we're stressed or over-worked the statement "I need...
Absite Smackdown! · Absite Smackdown--Flying
By: Jessica Rizzo
I really hate to fly. I know everyone does--but I abhor it.
Unfortunately my career took me to Florida and my former life ...